Beyond Extraordinary: A Recap Of Our 2023 Eclipse IP Futures Conference

This was our 10th anniversary, and it was a special event. Especially because we covered things like rockets and outer space.

    – space technologies, longevity, AI, IP and data valuation,
     – with spotlights on entrepreneurs, and
     – engagement with global experts and investors.

Here’s a few of our speakers in action

Stan Shull

Stan spoke about space exploration and technology

Space Tech Panel

Here we had 3 speakers:
• Sassie Duggleby, CEO Venus Aerospace
• Daniel Doulton, CEO Solaris Suborbital
• Lisa Rich, COO Xplore

Ocean Tech Panel

Carlos Fonts Sr. and Carlos Fonts Jr. from SEADAR

NC Zeitgeist + Entrepreneur Spotlight

This panel, opened by John Hardin of the NC Dept. of Commerce featured 4 additional speakers:
• Haroon Inam, CEO DG Matrix
• Tom Gordon, CEO Equity Shift
• Scott Lyman, CEO Bellhaven Biopharma
• Cameron Labrecque, CEO Rememery

Caryn Kopp, CEO, Chief Door Opener at Kopp Consulting

Caryn has helped thousands of business owners and sellers secure initial meetings with high-level decision makers in major companies including Pfizer, GE, Merck, Verizon, and Disney

Longevity Panel with Reuben Schooler

AI Data Panel

• JiNan Glasgow George, AI/IP data & valuation
• Fernando Murias, CEO DGS / Presentation + Fireside
• SallyAnn DellaCasa, CEO GLEAC / Presentation + Fireside

Teena Piccione, Google

Investor Panel with 361 Firm Community

JiNan Glasgow George, CEO of Neo IP and Patent Forecast